Digeus Inc.| Registry Cleaner, SnapIt Screen Capture, Screen Recorder
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Stan, President and CEO
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Digeus Inc., founded in 2008, is a young and fast growing world’s provider of software for individual and professional use. We push the boundaries of innovation so our work can make people's lives more exciting, fulfilling and manageable. And we never stop striving to deliver solutions with greater benefits for everyone.

People everywhere use our products. Our 24/7 support centers are ready to answer any your question regarding Digeus software. We will help you to choose, install, customize and get familiar with the latest software technologies.

We believe in being open to big ideas and inspired innovation that will change the world.
Where We Are Located
Digeus Inc. is a software company headquartered in Albany County, New York.
Our Mission
Digeus Inc. is driven to find new convenient ideas in the world of software.
Current software categories Digeus Inc. develops applications for:

Our boundaries are constantly extended, so stay connected to the innovative ideas together with Digeus team.
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